It's going to flow really well
So let go of the reins and let us lead


Hi, we are Danny and Avner Lomko, twin brothers and owners of Lomko Productions,
An event production company that turns the planning and management of your event down to the last detail, into a magical, fun, light experience and above all, tailored for you personally.

Just before we check if there is a match between us, a little about us:
Our love for the field of events was born when we were young waiters. No difficulty at work or troublesome customers could overshadow our admiration for the magical splendor and glam at the events we took part in.

You can say we were captivated 🙂
All that was missing to hack was an operational mod, which we acquired in our military service as fighters and paratrooper commanders. There we learned that every military mission is basically Event, which combines goals, methods of action and evaluations for various problems that may arise in real time.
The values we absorbed in the army, together with our fashion for creation, for creativity, uncompromising professionalism, and attention to the smallest details, led us to a decision: together, we enter the field of event production, with the drive of commanders and an unending passion, with the aim of being there for you, in Money Time.

What can we do for you?

Interested in producing a wedding/ bar mitzvah/ company event that won't stop being talked about?
Dreaming of a unique location somewhere in nature?

Whether you dream of a classy event, but you don't have time to deal with everything around you,
Or want an event from now to now, and wonder if it is possible considering the complexity and the time limit...
Let us help you.

The event does not have a general rehearsal, there is one delay to release an event

Abner Lomko

Danny Lomko

We made it our goal to create an unforgettable experience for you and to achieve peace of mind for you, to save hassles and running around, and to accompany you throughout all the stages of the event, from A to Z and close all the corners.
We manage this complex operation for you, with great love: plan, find suitable suppliers, specify the budget, receive inspiration, design and schedule all the details together, so that already during the planning of the event, You can imagine it in detail.
This includes the accuracy of your budget up to a production that looks like a million dollars (without having to pay a million dollars!), answering your concerns even at unusual times and maintaining a calmness that will create for you
SKT, in front of suppliers, in front of your guests and even in front of yourselves.

Our ability to be there for you and accompany you with sensitivity and a high and uncompromising professional standard, in all stages of our joint journey, starting from the planning stage to full partnership in the event itself, is a powerful and blooming treasure, which simply makes us the best event producers for you.

Want to create an event together that won't stop being talked about? Click and we will get back to you.